Saturday, 14 December 2013

Staying Healthy for the Next IVF Cycle

It's been a while since I last met Dr Chung.

It was a Thursday (5/12/2013) and I was so relieved that the previous blood test on 30/11/2013 came back negative on infection. Dr Chung also noted (with a sigh of relief!) that the mass in my womb had shrunk in size compared to 5 days earlier. He believed that what I'd experienced on 30/11/2013 was my 1st menses after the dilation and curettage ("d&c"). Blood tests again. Everything else looked good and I were to return for a follow-up check in 3 weeks time (28/12/2013). What a long wait! Anyway, the clinic later called at 7pm to inform that my hCG level had dropped to 11 mIU/ml. It seemed like forever to get the hCG level down to 0.

Well, we can't start our next IVF until we get the 'all clear' from Dr Chung. The earliest possible cycle would be in January 2014. However, due to the Chinese New Year festive holidays starting on 31/1/2014, we may have to wait until February 2014 to start all over.

In the meantime, what I could do is to stay healthy in preparation for the next IVF stimulation with medications and drugs.

I find myself buying more supplements than I did previously. These are my daily intake since a week after the d&c:-

(i)    folic acid 5mg
(ii)   vitamin B-complex [Surbex Zinc from Abbott]
(iii)  royal jelly 1000mg [Kordel's]
(iv)  co enzyme Q-10 50mg [Bio-Life]
(v)   omega 3 fatty acid - DHA 250mg & EPA 20mg [NeuroGainPB]
(vi)  propylthiouracil 50mg ["PTU"] - alternate days

During my 1st, 2nd and 3rd fresh IVFs and FETs, I was only taking folic acid, vitamin B-complex and PTU daily. PTU is prescribed by my physician, Dr Leslie Lai, due to my hyperthyroidism condition. However, as my T3, T4 and TSH levels are back to the normal range, I am only taking PTU on alternate days instead of the usual daily tablet.

In addition to these supplements, I am also taking chicken essence [Eu Yan Sang], avocados, instant rolled-oats, sunflower seeds, raisins, nuts and making drinks from spirulina, chlorella, quinoa powder, walnut powder, black sesame powder and protein powder.

I must say it's really tough trying to maintain a balanced healthy diet especially when there are so much variety of foods here in Malaysia. Foods that are good for health may not be most people's choice. It's worse during my work days as there are limited choice of 'healthy' foods around for lunch.

During the weekends however, I'll normally make some salads and drink plenty of water. I have not been drinking coffee and tea for a long time...maybe once in a blue moon? Hot chocolate or Milo, honey lemon and soya bean drinks have been my favourites most of the time if I am eating out.

The only thing that I have no discipline doing is to exercise.

I used to go for yoga classes and swims but I've haven't for a couple of months. I may start swimming again once my spotting stops (for the record, I haven't stopped spotting/bleeding since my d&c) but I may not continue with the yoga classes. Oh well, I may change my mind...

"Believe you can and you are half way there..."

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