Sunday 16 February 2014

Antagonist Protocol

The day has finally came. I have my menses on 11/2/2014 late at night and Dr Wong took my day 1 to be on 12/2/2014.

We reached Sunfert at 8.20am on 14/2/2014 and got a queue no. 17. Did a vaginal scan at 10.20am. Dr Wong saw an image that looked like a corpus luteum or a corpus luteal cyst. My heart sank while waiting for Dr Wong to decide whether to start the injections that day which was my day 3 of menses. "Let's do a blood test," Dr Wong scratched his head.

So off I went to the laboratory to have my Progesterone levels checked. It has to be really low. As the results could take about 2 hours to complete, I had to wait for the blood test results alone as hubby had to leave for a work appointment. The waiting time was really bad as we were subsequently told that Dr Wong had to perform an emergency caesarean delivery! Then there was another procedure to be attended to thereafter. Finally I get to speak to Dr Wong again at 2pm.

The test results were very good indeed. My Progesterone level was less than 0.2 ng/mL and I was given the green light to proceed with the antagonist protocol or a short protocol. The corpus luteum was expected to resolve on its own and I hope there will be no further complications.

I then waited again for consultation on how to administer the injections.
The prescription: 150iu Menopur & 150iu Bravelle for 5 days (commencing on 14/2/2014).

Menopur contains two naturally-occurring female hormones, follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinising hormone (LH), extracted and purified from the urine of post-menopausal women whereas Bravelle contains FSH.

After a demonstration by a nurse, I was asked to repeat her steps using the 'demo kit'. Immediately thereafter, I had to repeat a second time using the actual drugs and administer the first injection on myself under the nurse's supervision. I did it with some struggles though. Haha! These drugs are new to me as I was previously given Gonal F straight from pens which do not require the mixing of powders.

We are scheduled for oocyte retrieval or egg collection on 25/2/2014. It could be one day earlier or one day later i.e. on 24/2/2014 or 26/2/2014. In between, we have to go to Sunfert again on 18/2/2014 and 22/2/2014 for further scans on egg follicles and uterine lining. Embryo transfer date will depend on the development of the embryos after egg collection. It will either be a day 3 or day 5 transfer. However, I have informed Dr Wong that based on my previous experiences with long protocols, all my previous three fresh IVF transfers were day 2 embryos. Dr Wong has his reservations and would like to wait and see.

I was also informed by the nurse that the clinic's usual practice is ICSI and not just IVF alone. That sounds good to me.

As I was getting ready to make payment (the first instalment of the IVF/ICSI package of RM15,500-00), I was told that I have to do yet another blood tests! It was already 4.30pm and I was starving! Sigh...

There are four other tests that both myself and hubby needs to take before oocyte retrieval. We both need to test on our individual blood group and get clearance on Hepatitis B, HIV-1 & HIV-2 and VDRL. The venereal disease research laboratory (VDRL) test will determine whether or not one has syphilis, a sexually transmitted infection.

To the laboratory again I went. The nurses there recognised me immediately but unfortunately, they had to draw my bloods again as the earlier collection was insufficient. I managed to finally leave the hospital by 5pm. What a way to spend Valentine's Day...

Yesterday (15/2/2014), I'd panicked as I'd almost forgotten all about the injection! Nearly missed the morning jab! Haha! Managed to inject the mixture of Menopur and Bravelle at 8.15am. Phew!

Today, my third injection was done at 8am. Each time, I will experience a slight pain/cramp around the injection site immediately after the jab but it subsides after a while and nothing unbearable.

Fingers crossed for at least 5 good quality I being too greedy?! ;)

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