Thursday 6 March 2014

Implantation Bleeding?!

Ok, so I freaked out this morning when I saw blood stains on my liners. Probably it's just a few drops max? But it was definitely there when I wiped.

The thing is, I couldn't really tell if it's pink or brown or red (ok, I'm partially colour-blind!). My best guess is that it's brown.

I do not know what to think. My previous experience with spotting/bleeding was never a good one and I believed it led to my miscarriage. So, for a moment this morning, I'd thought it was all over!

However, that was 8am. I don't see anymore blood stains now...well, maybe still a little on used toilet paper. I am hopeful now that the spotting could actually be implantation bleeding as it hasn't got any heavier. In fact, it tapered off fairly quickly.

Implantation bleeding happens when the embryo attaches itself into the uterine wall. Some of the tissues may be shed which leads to the bleeding. It is normally not as heavy as period and may be accompanied by light cramping. Some reports say that it could last between a few hours to a few days or even a month.

Well, I do have lower backaches and mild night sweats (in air-conditioned room!) occasionally but nothing alarming. However, I do not feel much cramps if I may recall and I certainly hope this is not the beginning of my menses!

My beta testing is not until 11/3/2014. Five more days to go!

Everything will be better tomorrow...fingers crossed!

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