Sunday 12 January 2014

Semen Analysis

A day after our visit to Dr Wong's clinic (11/1/2014 at 5pm), Dr Wong personally called me on my mobile.

For a moment, I was very worried as I thought that my hormonal test or hubby's semen analysis ("SA") must be real bad to warrant a call from Dr Wong himself. But I calmed down to digest what Dr Wong had to say.

Dr Wong said the results of hubby's SA is slightly below the normal range. My heart sank but he quickly added that it is still fine.

Volume: I was not informed.
Count: 14 million sperm/ml [15 million sperm/ml for normal count].
Motility: I was not informed of the percentage of the sperm that should be swimming or motile but was told that the sperms are mostly very active.
Morphology: 1% of 'normal formed sperm' is found as opposed to at least 10% to be considered normal morphology.

When asked if we will require ICSI ("intracytoplasmic sperm injection"), Dr Wong says we will decide then and not to worry.

Well, a quick simple call but it made a big impression on me.

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